If you’re looking for work, please contact the individual businesses below that are all in Warner. If you require services, Warner has just about everything you need to get the job done!! The following list of services, although not complete, gives you an idea of just how much we have available in our little village:
36-4 Fuels
Address:300 County Road, Box 237 Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:24/7 Cardlock fuel station with diesel & gas. Credit card and visa debit are accepted.
ATB Financial
Address:210 3rd Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:The ATB office is in the back west of the Village of Warner office.
Core Ag Inputs - Warner LTD
Address:Corner of HWY 4 & 36 Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Scott Lindsay & Lane Conway
D & S Insurance
Address:300 County Road Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:John Mckenzie
Description:Locally owned ATB Bank inside
Devil's Coulee Dinosaur Heritage Museum
Address:300 County Road Warner AB T0K 2L0
Earls Woodwork
Address:202 4th Street Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Earl Ackerson
Description:Earls woodwork offers a variety of home improvements from renovations to custom cabinetry, and furniture. Specializing in finishing and cabinetry work for over 18 years. The difference is in the detail. We also install luxury vinyl plank flooring.
FCSS (Family and Community Support Services
Address:210 3rd Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:Family Community Support Services
Funky Fab Waxing and Nails
Address:210 3rd Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Leisa Paltiel
Description:Please contact Leisa by email to book your appointment. Lisa is in the process of renovating to set up a salon.
GPS Precision Sales & Services
Address:202 County Road Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Terry McLellan
Mama's Homebaking
Address:Main Street Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Kathrine Huber
Description:Call Katherine to put your order in for delivery to Warner
Prairie Play Dayhome
Address:210 3rd Ave Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Maggie Elder
Description:Welcome to Prairie Play Dayhome! Opening August 1st, 2023 in Warner, AB. My name is Maggie and I am a certified Level 3 Early Childhood Educator. Licensed and contracted under Odyssey Childcare Inc in Lethbridge, Prairie Play offers subsidy and affordability grants to our families. Hours of Operation are Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 5:30pm. I am so excited to embark on this new adventure! www.facebook.com/prairieplaydayhome
Precision Weld Industry
Address:PO Box 131, Address 2 Warner Alberta T0K2L0
Contact:Peter Krahn
Ranch Hand Smokehouse

Address:508 4th Ave, 508 4th Ave Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Ken Sutton
Description:Restaurant at the Warner Civic Centre
Smith's Mobile Tire
Address:308 4th Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Mr. Smith
The Old Church B&B
Address:208 3rd street Warner AB T0K 2L0
Contact:Dan & Pam Court
Triple W Gas Co-op
Address:P.O. Box 69 Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:The Triple W Gas Co-Op was incorporated in November 1971 in response to the growing demand for natural gas services in the County of Warner and Lethbridge County. Spearheaded by a few pioneers around kitchen tables across Alberta, these men and women canvassed their neighbours and eventually successfully lobbied the provincial government for funding to develop the necessary infrastructure to heat rural homes and farms. The co-operative model ensured community benefit and pride of ownership in this valuable rural utility. Value of Triple W Coop Vision: To be recognized as an innovative leader in the natural gas industry by providing valuable service through our knowledgeable Staff and Board of Directors. Mission: To safely supply clean, reliable, natural gas to our rural members through our qualified staff and proactively maintained infrastructure. Our success begins and ends with the communities we serve. The Triple W Natural Gas Co-Op is committed to delivering exceptional service to our members in our franchise area. We are proud to be one of the Top 3 Gas Co-Ops in the province. Through our committed Board and highly skilled staff we are confident that we will be able to secure and deliver a safe and reliable supply of natural gas now and into the future. Links Albertaonecall.com Fedgas.com Gasalberta.com
Warner Civic Centre

Address:508 4th Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:Please call or text Justin at 1.403.647.4121 for Ice Rentals
Warner Elk's Lodge #222
Address:210 4th Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:To rent the Elks Hall please call 403-642-3926 or 403-642-2122
Warner Hotel & Bar
Address:102 4th Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Warner Lion's RV Park
Address:5th Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:Power to camp spots all year round. Flushable toilet and dump station on during the warm months of the year. Call Colette for all your park info
Warner Memorial Library
Address:206 3rd Avenue Warner AB T0K 2L0
Warner Volunteer Fire Department
Address:200 County Road, PO Box 88 Warner AB T0K 2L0
Description:For all Fire Permits Call Chief Deven Owen @ 403-393-5568 email: devenowen8@gmail.com Or Deputy Chief Jason Jones 403-642-7778 email: jasonjones642@hotmail.com FOR A EMERGENCY CALL 911