Any development within the Village of Warner requires a Development Permit. You must obtain a Development Permit before you are able to get a Building Permit. The first step would be to download the application from, fill it out and drop it off at the Village Office. All applicable fees are required before a application can be considered. If you have any questions you can contact the Village Development Officer at 403-642-3877 or Bonnie Brunner at Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC) at 403-329-1344.
The Land Use Bylaw also provides information on what is required for each of the various land use districts, permitted and discretionary uses and each type of development.
- Land Use Bylaw 632-24
- Land Use Bylaw 632-24 Map
- Non-Residential Development Permit Application
- Residential Development Permit Application
- Sign Application Development Permit
- Application For A Land Use Bylaw Amendment
- Telecommunication Siting Protocol Application & Checklist Building Permits
A Building Permit is required for all construction projects within the Village. To get a Building Permit, you’ll need the following:
- You must have a Development Permit before obtaining a Building Permit.
- Two sets of architectural designs, structural designs, mechanical designs and electrical drawings
- Permit filled out and fee paid
- Following approval of a Development Permit it will be issued by the Village of Warner Municipal Planning Commission. All Plumbing and Electric Permits can also be applied for by contacting any agencies authorized by Municipal Affairs.
Agencies Authorized by Alberta Municipal Affairs to Issue Permits and Provide Compliance Monitoring in non-Accredited Municipalities. Choose Village of Warner and the agencies authorized by Alberta Municipal Affairs will come up.
The Inspections Group Inc.
Toll Free: 1-866-554-5048
Fax: 1-866-454-5222
Park Enterprises
Toll Free: 1-800-621-5440
Fax: 1-866-406-8484
Superior Safety Codes Inc. (Lethbridge)
Fax: 403-320-9969
ASCA Permit fees, permit applications, and permit application guidelines
Safety Tips - This information can be helpful to permit applicants Safety Tips - Safety Codes Council
All subdivisions are processed by Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC).
They are located in Lethbridge at:
3105 – 16th Avenue North
Phone: (403) 329-1344
Toll-free phone: 1-877-329-1387
Fax: (403) 327-6847
The Village of Warner ORRSC Planner is Bonnie Brunner and she can be contacted at the ORRSC office. You can also contact the Village Office for information about the process. Please click on the links below for all the subdivision information you will need.